Before getting started it is advisable to look over the following questions relating to a Unit and a Hub to establish if a DME business is for you.
If you answer yes to all of the questions, you have an excellent opportunity to succeed by investing in a DME Unit or Hub.
If you answer yes to most of the questions, you still have a good opportunity to succeed. However, we recommend you speak to us to see if it will be viable in your circumstances.

Do you have access to capital of approximately USD7000 for the DME Kit?
Do you own land with 500+ coconut palms or have access to 500+ coconuts per day within 3km?
Is there good access to your DME Unit site from your source of coconuts?
Do you have a site (minimum 200sqm) to set up a DME Unit factory building?
Do you have 4 to 6 workers to help run your DME Unit?
Do you have access to local and domestic markets for the oil?
Do you have access to local and domestic markets for other coconut products?
Do you have access to at least five (5) operating DME Units?
Are the DME Units within 30km of a seaport?
Are you connected to a distribution network to sell product?
Do you have access to local, domestic and/or overseas markets for the oil?
Do you have access to local, domestic and/or overseas markets for other coconut products?